After the High Court decision on torture, the ground shifted again when, despite right-wing protests, Israeli-Arab lawmakers were appointed to security-sensitive government positions.
Attempts to renew service since were thwarted by large right-wing protests and stringent application of safety rules by the Japanese authorities.
The bombings have not been followed by large or violent right-wing protests.
In the US, Fox News has been promoting a series of right-wing protests against Obama and the Democrats' health care plan.
Mr. Barak is unlikely to take such steps in the immediate future, because they would provoke strong right-wing protests and upset the political balance within Israel.
An idea to have President Richard von Weizsacker attend ceremonies in Poland marking the outbreak of war was quietly shelved after right-wing protest.
He organized and took part in right-wing protests at Bar-Ilan and in the West Bank, and led student visits to Jewish settlements.
Mr. Rabin has been the target of increasingly militant right-wing protests in recent months, denounced as a traitor and murderer.
There are widespread extreme right-wing protests in Britain against this policy.
This was the first time in the country's history, since the change of regime, that the police had had any experience of dealing with extreme right-wing protests.