It gave them purpose to see their own world responsible 187 for a righteous, defiant action.
The fate revealed by the Riddle Box can be found by looking deep within yourself and can be changed with righteous actions.
"Righteous" humans (tzadikim) ascend these ethical qualities of the ten sefirot by doing righteous actions.
Knowing this, one should reflect daily what righteous action one has performed.
Knowing this, a wise man should strive to do righteous actions.
In the early books, Templar refers to this as murder, although he considers his actions justified and righteous, a view usually shared by partners and colleagues.
Iblis Ginjo had tasked her with this aggressive, righteous action, and Hecate now rose to the challenge, eager to show what she could accomplish.
Yet the Eye of God knew, and foretold, that a final message must be delivered before we can rise in wrath and righteous action.
In the Protestant interpretation, the New Testament epistles (including Romans), describes salvation as coming from faith and not from righteous actions.
Anant's morals are shaken by this incident: He had to use means barely legal to uphold his righteous actions upon criminals.