It is no exaggeration to say that the court's action in Roe v. Wade prepared the path for what is now rightfully called the 'culture of death.'
At the outset it should be made clear that the plants under discussion are rightfully called pelargoniums.
Though these later designs are rightfully called "modern", the earlier designs are "transitional".
The spit was rightfully called "One Big Happy" and each band covered one of the other band's songs and released a band new original song.
Wakefield has rightfully called Bullens an inspiration.
The first three decades of the 19th century are rightfully called "the era of Beibulat" in the history of the Caucasus.
Davis and Koschmieder have suggested that the convection should be rightfully called the "Pearson-Bénard convection".
I am dealing with a man who is rightfully called The Master.
The rights of the first work's originator must be granted to the secondary work for it to be rightfully called a 'derivative work'.
In this case, it can be rightfully called fan service, since it is not needed for the story itself.