My hon. Friend rightly draws attention to the benefits of Community co-operation.
He rightly draws attention to the fact that it is not necessarily always one side that sometimes breaches the watchkeeping agreements and regulations.
The Green Paper rightly draws attention to the powers of national and regional authorities with regard to services of general interest.
It rightly draws attention to the difficulties experienced by new Member States as a result of cuts in production quotas.
That said, the report rightly draws attention to the difficulties of doing no more than establishing minimum criteria for voluntary schemes.
The resolution rightly draws attention to international agreements and the need to abolish capital punishment.
This report rightly draws attention to the lack of legal clarity and certainty regarding safety and the quality of services.
The report rightly draws attention to negative phenomena in the sporting world.
Amendment No 3 rightly draws attention to the adoption of the protocol on corruption as the relevant date.
The Hoppenstedt report rightly draws attention to an important instrument of monetary policy.