"Their reasoning about reason showed that reason could get us only so far," the authors rightly observe.
Wicker rightly observes that Eisenhower was no political innocent when he declared for the presidency.
For one thing, as Ian Lang rightly observed yesterday, that is how single markets work.
"Sports history," he observes rightly, "unreels around a circle, not down a line."
Many a more glamorous arts institution, he rightly observes, is doing far worse at the moment.
As Mr. Boyd rightly observes, that is very old news indeed.
As the rapporteur rightly observes, it is most unlikely that zero deficits will be achieved in the next few years.
She rightly observes that women's rights are human rights.
And the sky, as Charlet rightly observes, "is no ordinary ready-made."
I'm a status quo man, as Tessa rightly observed.