Ramirez, Hoopes and Quinlan (2003) rightly predicted that police organizations would change fundamental styles of profiling people after 9/11.
The truck currently on our screens is, as you rightly predicted just moments ago, the control truck.
Who rightly predicted that it would happen, and what source - perhaps in disinformation mode - assured our spies that it would not?
The magnate rightly predicted the stock would be worth far more divided into a bunch of new companies.
Q. You realize that you gained this legendary status when you rightly predicted that you'd break your father's record on a 3-point play?
Manhattan Institute experts were among the few who rightly predicted the worst.
This yields different predictions, each focused on rightly predicting a subset of the data, and combining those predictions leads to better (but more expensive) results.
However he rightly predicted that the nation did not want another civil war.
He rightly predicted that such an attendance size would end in disagreement.
She predicted rightly.