The next thing was to apply the theory, as you rightly suggest, to horizontal motion.
In "Striptease," the entire cast winds up in the buff to suggest rightly that the act of stripping is more prurient than the naked body itself.
Mr. Blonsky rightly suggests that such a method has as much to do with an inquisition as with interviewing.
- Jon Lackman, New York As you rightly suggest, running to the boss should be a last resort.
Which (as labelling theory rightly suggests) is bad not only for the offenders but for the rest of society, because it makes re-offending much more likely.
Professor Conley rightly suggests that reparations might not be "a magic bullet for lingering racial problems."
As Geoff Readman rightly suggests, tension is the critical pivot which gives impetus to both games and drama.
Mr Markov's report also rightly suggests placing additional emphasis on certain aspects of this pragmatic approach.
As the resolution rightly suggests, the strategy will fall short of ensuring that the stated objectives are enforceable.
The Commission's proposals are on the right lines, rightly suggesting various measures based on the protection of juvenile fish.