"Come on in, then," said Archie, rightly taking this peculiar phrase for a formal acceptance.
Certainly, when sexual harassment does occur, more and more companies are rightly taking a strong stance against the predator in the relationship.
The society can rightly take credit for helping restore chamber music to a central place in the performance world after several decades as a fringe interest.
But my feelings were so mixed I couldn't rightly take part.
South rightly took the ace, led to the club king and cashed two spade winners.
Dr. Dre can rightly take credit for changing the course of 1990's hip-hop.
Solidarity and responsibility rightly take centre stage in this plan.
Faced with a problem of these proportions, Europe must rightly take drastic measures against those who exploit human beings in various ways.
In return for his scalping services, he rightly takes a cut.
A remark which she rightly took to be a compliment indeed.