Pathetic and paternalistic all at once, Jews couldn't hear enough black gratitude about the civil rights coalition.
The civil rights coalition was tearing itself apart in disputes over tactics, money, and who would get the most exposure in the press.
An alliance of the environmentalist Green party and a human rights coalition, Bundnis 90, had 13 percent of the vote.
The giant civil rights coalition, instead of taking up the economic issue, fell into a thousand pieces in the later 1960's and 70's.
About 50 people were arrested and the Campaign for Democracy, a human rights coalition, said one of its workers was killed.
Immigration has also caused rifts in the civil rights coalition.
She was also active in forming civil rights coalitions in the 1960's and in promoting equal opportunity legislation.
The speech was a success for the Kennedy administration and for the liberal civil rights coalition that had planned the March on Washington.
The riots alienated much of the white working class, that had been the base of the labor union element in the civil rights coalition.