As a delegate to the 1948 Democratic National Convention, he led the call for a strong civil rights plank.
In Room 22, two Alabama delegates said if the civil rights plank is strengthened, the South will walk.
H.H.H. made his first national mark by announcing at the 1948 Democratic convention that his party immediately needed a civil rights plank.
Barnett has already managed to pull the teeth out of our jokers' rights plank, and if he's elected, the good reverend will put us all in camps.
The Thurmond forces opposed the civil rights plank inserted in the Democratic national platform.
The Democratic National Convention adopted a strong civil rights plank, leading to a walkout by Southerners.
This and other testimony led to the adoption of a to civil rights plank in the political platform of the Democratic Party.
Soon there was an up-or-down vote on whether victims of multiple sclerosis should be included in the civil rights plank.
Hartmann's people quietly moved that all other persons suffering from diseases were to be included in the civil rights plank.