They wanted the center to start a women's rights project.
Although it never occurred to me at the time, I was a sort of civil rights social project for my parents.
Human rights projects are also being funded through separate dedicated budget lines.
They are highly respected partners in the implementation of human rights projects.
Read more about our governance and human rights projects.
The foundation received grants totaling $780,000 from 1984 to 1990 as a conduit for an international human rights project.
This will allow us to continue funding human rights projects, despite opposition from governments responsible for oppression and abuse.
We have insisted on the fixed percentage within the regulation, otherwise it would crowd out other human rights projects.
The Mulroney government also offered $6 million for a foundation dedicated to human rights projects, but did not offer individual compensation.
Our attempt to limit it is simply to say that it should not take money away from grassroots human rights projects.