You quote me as saying that "costs do not provide a basis for exemption from the basic principles in a civil rights statute."
But like most states, Pennsylvania has civil rights statutes governing public accommodations at places such as restaurants and hotels.
The city's own human rights statute, he says, prevents it from doing business with entities that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.
The Mayor, noting that the store has since been sold, wants state officials to determine whether they can challenge the boycott under civil rights statutes.
"Arkansas is one of only two states in America without a civil rights statute."
She alleged violations of various civil rights statutes based on sexual discrimination.
Detailed information about the civil rights statutes that apply to all Recovery Act funded programs is found here.
Section 2 of that act is widely believed to be the most effective civil rights statute enacted by Congress.
Many civil rights statutes rely on private attorneys general for their enforcement.
The commission is responsible for enforcing civil rights statutes and investigates many complaints each year.