I love Europe because it has always been a moderating influence on the ever rightward drift of British politics.
Haym Soloveitchik himself has written critically of the rightward drift of American Orthodoxy.
Some scholars detect a rightward drift in Justice Scalia's recent decisions.
Still, he professed more than a little pride at the country's rightward drift during his years in control of National Review.
Liberals blamed the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine for what they saw as the media's rightward drift.
There, the voters' rightward drift has pushed Republicans into the White House for 20 years out of the past 24.
Pundits found it long on grand exhortations but short on government action, confirming Clinton's rightward drift.
The Freedom Party's fall comes at a time when Europe's rightward political drift seems to have halted.
Supporters of creationism say they hope the rightward drift of the Federal judiciary could create a more positive climate for them.
He is simply representative of Democratic political leadership after nearly four decades of rightward drift, which has been helped along by conservative structural reforms.