This was Orwell's first experience of the rigid conformity of life in an office.
It consisted of multiple casts of human heads and was meant to suggest, among other things, the rigid social conformity of Korean society.
Conservatism, it seems, extends only so far; government may be restrained from interfering with business, but rarely from imposing rigid conformity on individual behavior.
We need not recast our urban centers according to suburban styles of taste, or in the image of cities where rigid conformity is the rule.
To some, anything other than a rigid conformity to religious norms is savagely punished.
Most of the successful 49ers, however, disliked the rigid corporate conformity of the companies where they first worked.
By 1968, his revolution had become too much even for Mao; troops cracked down on the students and a new period of rigid conformity was established.
I had never encountered anything quite like it: a merciless satire on the use of language to enforce rigid conformity.
If this suggests that Mr. Gardner and his American crew have to operate in a climate of rigid conformity, the reality is otherwise.
His papacy is marked by a return to rigid conformity in doctrinal matters.