Lawmakers are considering relaxing rigid laws that give considerable power and autonomy to families and parents.
What a trial she must be to her brother, who lived by rigid laws of propriety.
A more rigid law would have been clearer but of much less utility.
The tune is played in a strict canon, the most rigid musical law as one more symbol.
A caste system was set up, depending on the amount of one's Jewish blood, with rigid and complex laws determining who could marry whom.
Or will you adhere to the rigid law set up by Starways Congress to govern this encounter?
Time travel would naturally be based on the most rigid mechanical laws.
It was a dictatorship, a hierarchy from top to bottom with one set of rigid laws.
And nowadays such a violation of the harsh, rigid, but just Japanese civil law was unheard of.
We believe that Belarus took a major step forward in 1995 when, despite its rather rigid electoral laws, it finally managed to elect a new parliament.