She gauged the difficulty of a class by looking around the room: the fewer the girls, the more rigorous the class must be.
Students enrolled in this program take the most rigorous classes possible at the school and receive college credits for certain classes completed.
Journalism is recognized as a rigorous class that allows students to hone their writing skills over the course of one year up to four years.
The program "was almost a little boot camp," in which she had to take several rigorous classes and even observe a curfew.
There have been several attempts to classify cellular automata in formally rigorous classes, inspired by the Wolfram's classification.
In the late 1940s, he fashioned an introductory course for the new Social Relations Department into a rigorous and popular undergraduate class.
The reason the girls' scores are showing up lower could be due to the fact that they don't take as many rigorous classes.
In science, more than twice as many ninth graders enrolled in the more rigorous classes, 48,080 compared to 20,485 the previous year.
Some took more rigorous classes to prepare for college while others took a general track.
For the next seven years his education was a combination of rigorous ballet classes accompanied by political brainwashing.