English development and cultural immersion experiences entice students who are committed to rigorous academic effort.
It's time for a rigorous effort to establish what procedures produce beneficial outcomes under what conditions.
With fond admiration for the truth and beauty of your own rigorous efforts on our behalf.
"I made a conscious and rigorous effort to master a whole different dimension, watching races."
Despite his rigorous efforts, Tuvok had misjudged his course.
He is known for the arduous research and rigorous effort he puts into his work.
And these problems have persisted, officials said, despite more rigorous efforts in recent years to catch up with scofflaws.
Graduate Student Finds Answer The first rigorous effort to decide whether education really changes people so they live longer began in a most inauspicious way.
And everything in life requires some rigorous effort if you're going to have fundamental change.
Anderson and his team made a rigorous effort to understand the company's hierarchy, who worked with whom and which departments shared barn space.