Candidates must sit an executive conversion program, have at least 7 years working experience and pass a rigorous exam to qualify.
As a result of this rigorous exam, several test preparation services have been created.
These guys are really put through rigorous physical exams and are worked up in every way possible.
At the end of the training operators face a rigorous exam, Westinghouse officials said.
As we make progress we will require a rigorous exam before graduation.
Brokers had to pass rigorous exams to become licensed in the first place, but the focus of that training is on investing and execution.
For some, the answer is simple: they failed to pass the rigorous physical exam.
This rigorous exam is similar to those taken throughout a student's education but is more comprehensive.
There is then a rigorous national exam to pass, with continuing education required.
They just wanted to make a quick buck without having to go through a graduate program and then a rigorous professional exam.