He creates a tumult of genres, styles and historical quotations, superimposing the whole chaos on a rigorous atonal 12-tone framework.
In 1982, Bekenstein was the first person to develop a rigorous framework to generalize the laws of electromagnetism to handle inconstant physical constants.
Mathematical logic is concerned with setting mathematics within a rigorous axiomatic framework, and studying the implications of such a framework.
In the various subfields of physics, there exist two common usages of the term flux, both with rigorous mathematical frameworks.
One of the goals was to gives a rigorous framework for proving the results of Italian school of algebraic geometry.
Implementation of these techniques within the rigorous framework of runtime verification gives rise to additional challenges.
Moreover, by this time, a more rigorous framework of control was in place (see below).
However, a data model does provide a rigorous framework within which an application can be developed.
We therefore need a rigorous legal framework and clear legal guidelines.
It is the most rigorous framework ever presented by the Commission.