The architecture, in rigorous neoclassical style, is a rare example of the corner of a building forming a semicircular arc.
Although his books were well researched and supported by footnotes, they were not generally presented in a rigorous academic style.
Despite its austere, rigorous style, it is considered to be Straub and Huillet's most "mainstream" film.
And, right now, boys more than girls seem to be searching out rigorous styles.
The works on the program were in a fairly rigorous style, some more than others.
Her performances are something of a departure from the company's rigorous, all-American style.
His works, although well-researched, were generally not presented in a rigorous academic style, supported by footnotes.
The phrase "de rigueur" refers to a rigorous style or manner.
The sound is an offbeat mix of folk and pop music played in a broad-shouldered and rigorous style.
Farida, a singer from Iraq, is a pioneer in maqam, a rigorous classical style that has traditionally been sung by men.