In college and graduate school he steeped himself in rigorous contemporary techniques.
Ullate founded his own school in 1983 which taught a rigorous academic technique and often had guest teachers from Russia or Cuba.
But James's systematic pursuit of a more rigorous technique did not make him the greater writer.
But now more and more retailers are also using more rigorous scientific techniques to improve their bottom line.
He's going to try out some modern and rigorous techniques.
He began writing in a Neo-Classical tonal idiom and was then highly influenced by rigorous 12-tone techniques.
Asked about this today, the Census Bureau said its estimates were based on rigorous statistical techniques.
Of course, this wouldn't be a very rigorous technique if they were looking at a single lawsuit.
Andrew Blake's films are characterized by high production values, artistic stylization, and rigorous technique.
What better way to renounce the past than to adopt a rigorous compositional technique that promised a cool, detached objectivity?