For this role, he had to go through a rigorous work out routine and strict diet to lose over 20 pounds.
Students from the tribe were not adequately prepared for rigorous academic work due to poor quality education and resources.
He was treated as a "C" class prisoner and had to do rigorous work.
No, she might not be a computer specialist, but rigorous work on small and large systems had been part of her general scientific training.
Popularity is not the mark of a properly rigorous academic work.
"This shows what should be obvious: when students do rigorous academic work, they learn more," he said.
It was only when they reached him in the Juniors that the really rigorous work began.
But this is crackling, rigorous comic work; he doesn't have to present the face of tragedy.
That makes them better able to provide scheduling flexibility with intellectually rigorous work.
"And frankly, I don't think she would want this kind of rigorous academic work."