He used this idea of surplus to rigorously analyze the effect of taxes and price shifts on market welfare.
In properly analyzing theories of value, everyday beliefs are not only carefully catalogued and described, but also rigorously analyzed and judged.
He was the first to rigorously analyze the cause of smell in urine following eating asparagus, which he attributed to methanethiol.
As such, special techniques must be used to rigorously analyze these cases.
The widespread application of cladistics, which rigorously analyzes the relationships between biological organisms, has also proved tremendously useful in classifying dinosaurs.
Also in the past conducted spme in-depth studies of specialized questions often asked before but not rigorously analyzed.
In making its decision, the board must also rigorously analyze financial data from both companies.
The real situation in Chiapas today needs to be analyzed rigorously and sincerely.
This form of construction has only become more rigorously analyzed and widespread in large structures in the latter part of the twentieth century.
However, the paradox disappears when rigorously analyzed.