The temperature and humidity are rigorously controlled in these systems.
But he said policy makers were hampered by the lack of data from rigorously controlled scientific studies.
The physical environment of a data center is rigorously controlled.
However, what enters the brain must be much more rigorously controlled.
Stanley and his associates have not aspired to conduct a rigorously controlled experiment.
Without going into details about these rigorously controlled methods, it should be pointed out that each listener compared only two amplifiers at any time.
No one knows how much longer people with the infection will live because no rigorously controlled scientific trial has been done.
Each man has two or more wives and because adultery on the part of females carries the death sentence, the birth rate is rigorously controlled.
Some of the other reserves are more rigorously controlled, he said.
The impulse was rigorously controlled, but plain in his.