However the period was a ripe opportunity for young entrepreneurs to take the lead, and so they did in an unprecedented way in Europe.
For Bill Clinton, who appears to like handshaking better than almost anything, today was a ripe opportunity.
This turmoil would add a new dimension to the conflict and, in Saddam Hussein's eyes, create ripe opportunities to advance his ambitions.
Participation in this heritage has afforded students ripe opportunities in leadership and involvement, both on-campus and within the greater Fulton community.
The only question is whether Congress cares, because if it does, it now has a ripe opportunity to reform its practices and repair its standing.
Here any self-professed wit can add captions to more than 50 snapshots - all of which offer ripe opportunities for foolishness.
In other spheres as well, budget cutbacks of recent decades have created ripe opportunities for public investment.
And of course it's a ripe opportunity for parental conflict and guilt.
Just as important, Mr. Montana can grasp the big picture quickly and then spot the ripest opportunity.