As soon as the fields were dry, the red, green, and yellow combines would come rumbling out of their sheds and roam over the golden fields, devouring the ripened grain with their whirring blades.
- - You are an autumn moon rising over a field of ripened grain.
And that was set as an altar at the foot of a pillar carved with the ripened grain, the fruited branch.
I am as sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain.
In fact shortly the pod-headed plants were so thick around them that they might have been swishing through a field of ripened grain.
It might have been by ripened grain in summer, when each field is like a body, ocher-gold from head to foot and all one breathing.
Goddess Mother of all, Lord of the ripened grain, thank You for the gifts of Your bounty!
There was indeed one there, a woman whose robe was the amber of ripened grain.
Last year thousands of bushels of fruit decayed in the orchards; the ripened grain lay rotting where wind and rain had laid it; no hay was cut, no grain milled.
After planting, it appears the hunter-gatherers moved on to other territory to gather wild foods, and returned later in the season to harvest the ripened grain.