Tears rose briefly, almost like a reflex, and I could see her blink them away.
Jarret rose briefly, indicated the chair at the corner to his right, and continued eating.
Melegaunt's deep voice rose briefly from the direction of the Sharn Wall.
It rose briefly above $40 last month after an outside investor group proposed to buy the company for $47 a share, or $3.85 billion in cash.
When he takes a deep breath (to sing, for example), the dust rises briefly around him.
A pair of glowing eyes set in a coal-black head rose briefly from the moat.
Chrysler capitulated and the stock price rose briefly, but then resumed its descent.
Still, support for strong action actually rose briefly after the deaths of 18 U.S. soldiers.
The share price rose sharply but briefly as rumours about the emergency plans leaked into the market before the opening bell.
Crude oil futures rose briefly above $19 a barrel before ebbing by day's end.