Moments later, he rose majestically into his own natural element.
The cage rose slowly and majestically - thank heaven, for once it was not out of order.
The stars flew across the sky and the sun rose majestically in the West.
Such was the speed of her flight that she chased down the setting sun, watching it appear to rise majestically from the west.
Out there in the haze, miles away, whole new fiery mountains were rising majestically into being.
No." She rose majestically to her feet, exuding force and power.
I dropped a Saltine on the water and it rose majestically to accept my gift.
Straight ahead was the clubhouse, rising majestically in the bright autumn sun.
Amongst them the white head of Higuerota rises majestically upon the blue.
Annette rose majestically and swept across the room just as if she were still wearing the habit.