As he met the Vulcan's gaze, one of the science officer's eyebrows rose prominently.
Although the "Brushies", as they are often called locally, are not high in the normal sense, they do rise prominently above the surrounding countryside.
However, the mountain does rise prominently above the surrounding terrain, is visible for several miles, and provides a good view of the surrounding countryside.
Mountain, a landform rising prominently above the surrounding land or bordering sea.
The peaks rise prominently from the surrounding landscape and generally have steep sides.
The Unicoi Mountains rise prominently to the east of Benton.
The Black Mountains rise prominently above the surrounding lower terrain.
The Unicoi Mountains rise prominently to the southeast.
Sinopah Mountain rises prominently to the west of Two Medicine Lake.
Much of Brewster was demolished at the time, but some abandoned buildings remain, including a smokestack which rises prominently in the area as a landmark.