From this wreckage the phoenix of a new spirit will triumphantly rise.
However, until his final period, he rose triumphantly above his handicaps.
Finally, she changed into slippers and rose triumphantly from a stooped position.
That thing is the performance of the show's star Kenneth Williams, who triumphantly rose above his material in a positive feat of levitation.
For a few moments it fights with the street noise and then rises triumphantly at the end of the play.
The two battle it out in the cell until the walls are covered with sweat and blood and Gordone rises triumphantly.
Inevitably, some people will get burned in the process, but others will rise triumphantly from the fray to even greater successes.
Thus, the spirit is seen to be rising triumphantly, ultimately transcending the turmoil of the physical universe to achieve salvation.
As I struggled to pull the window shut, the howls rang out again, rising triumphantly from the nearby swamp.
Above all the din of the battle Lachlan's voice rose triumphantly.