However, inflation rose to a 20-year high of 5.2 percent last month following energy price rises.
Turnout rose dramatically following the previous year's poor figure to 39.2%, the best participation seen since 1955.
How can anyone find Connecticut around the fences that rise and fall following the terrain?
Medicaid spending rose 7.1 percent in 2003, to $267 billion, following growth of 12.1 percent the year before.
Still screaming, it rose into the night, following orders.
The land bridge was severed about 15,000 years ago when the sea level rose following the last glaciation.
Bond prices rose modestly for the second consecutive day, following the lead set by the foreign exchange market.
The water level can rise very quickly following a moderate to heavy rainfall, up to 1-2 metres inside of three hours.
The population rose dramatically following the development of the space industry, quadrupling from 3,098 in 1940 to 12,244 in 1960.
In the late 1980s, coffee output rose again, following a pattern of fluctuating production based on price movements.