The number of free blacks in Virginia rose markedly between 1782 and 1810.
Any attempt by a mutual fund to buy one of these issues would have caused the stock's price to rise markedly.
The urge to leave has risen markedly in just the past year and is especially intense among two age groups, the survey found.
Since driver education faded from public schools, the death rate for 16-year-old drivers has risen markedly.
These are also coveted by collectors, and their value has risen markedly over the last ten years.
Without these hormones, your risk of heart disease and osteoporosis rises markedly.
The cost of free television just rose markedly for more than 200,000 households in San Francisco.
Certainly the issue would be moot if achievement in all of the city's elementary schools rose markedly.
This will rise markedly as additions are made, and should be monitored frequently.
Last year, the number of such killings rose markedly; now it may skyrocket.