Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The lake seemed to come up toward him like a rising tide.
The towel we left a bit too close to the rising tide.
This conference is very important to stop the rising tide of violence.
He was still fighting the rising tide of gray behind his eyes.
With the rising tide the wind blew again toward the land.
Is it true that a rising tide lifts all books?
With an effort he stopped the rising tide of his own pleasure.
And we've had a rising tide of random violence that is different from anything I can remember.
They do, however, currently find themselves confronting another rising tide.
People's attitudes will control the depth of this rising tide.
But the rising tide is not lifting all the boats.
It would try to stand still against the rising tide of black impatience.
She swallowed against the rising tide, trying to keep calm.
"The rising tide covered up any mistakes we may have made," he said.
There has been a rising tide for electoral change on several levels in Israel.
"But not all the boats are going to be lifted by the rising tide."
In some areas it moves with the rising tide into very shallow water.
The rising tide from climate change will not create the same conditions everywhere.
There is the risk that trade associations will miss the rising tide.
A rising tide of panic was creeping up on him.
But, as the saying goes, a rising tide lifts all boats.
The spot usually offers best waves on a rising tide.
And finally he had to choke down a rising tide of anger.
There was no real danger in the rising tide, but she would have to leave the cave at once.
The stock market has soared, and a rising tide of foreign investment is coming into the country.