Most studies exploring risk communication and decision-making have focused on the use of different metrics.
One area in which science journalists seem to support varying sides of an issue is in risk communication.
The role of risk communication during a public health emergency.
A main goal of risk communication is to improve collective and individual decision making.
To address these concerns, a group of 15 international leaders in the field of risk communication met to create the guidelines.
With the H1N1 threat still lingering, the importance of risk communication during an outbreak is paramount.
Users received the most benefit from an approach utilizing risk communication along with genetic counseling.
For example, nonintenders are supposed to benefit from confrontation with outcome expectancies and some level of risk communication.
It will have a role to play in risk analysis, risk communication and risk management, where its advice is appropriate.
His main research interests are in tobacco control, media discourses on health and illness, and risk communication.