But most couples resisted the pressure and risked official disapproval to take their vows as their parents had.
Don't make changes, don't risk disapproval, don't upset your syndics.
Why do I risk social disapproval?
To extend himself in giving to others means to risk failure, correction, and disapproval.
Khuang was again installed as Prime Minister as the military coup risked international disapproval.
Even if our limited system were to work, Clinton never intended to risk Russian disapproval by deploying it.
These results show that when accuracy is not very important, it is better to get the wrong answer than to risk social disapproval.
Of course, that would also put the final burden on Congress to take a vote or risk public disapproval.
If he enters talks with Beijing, experts said, he risks further disapproval in his party.
Companies seldom risked public disapproval by hiring scabs.