In addition, the Yankees will not risk disrupting the clubhouse.
"The imposition of safeguard measures would risk seriously disrupting world steel trade."
Without it, they risk disrupting the cartel's tight grip on the market - a grip that keeps gem prices high for all.
If we'd met with them on the day Captain Christopher saw the Enterprise, we would have risked disrupting the time stream.
For example, elderly or disabled tenants may be unable to move, and families risk disrupting children's educations by moving in the middle of a school year.
Lime sprayed onto the surrounding hillsides neutralized the acidity, but risked disrupting wetland ecology.
And you're risking disrupting the A's equilibrium.
After living on the streets for so long, he does not want to risk disrupting the peace of his home.
Rather, the initial resistance has come from buyers and sellers within each market, who have been understandably reluctant to risk disrupting business by making major purchases on the Internet.
Markers must however avoid keeping too tight on opponents or risk disrupting the defensive organisation.