Bruno and Boots have to clear their name or they risk expulsion!
Many had guts, though of a different sort than what was on display in 1964, when they risked expulsion and jail for their principles.
It was also intensive, with members risking expulsion, and thus exclusion from the party's patronage, for disobeying party decisions.
Yet they risk expulsion if they do.
If you did, you risked verbal or physical abuse, derision and expulsion.
If a tape given to a member turned up for sale online or on the black market, the member would risk expulsion from the academy.
Those who try to report hard, messy facts and ask uncomfortable questions will not only risk ostracism, censorship or expulsion.
Moments later, risking expulsion from the courtroom for contempt, he said, "It's a conspiracy; this whole trial is to fix me."
If the two women were caught, both risked expulsion from the university.
You're a great guy, risking expulsion like this.