A bodhisattva might risk life and limb for the good of others.
You wonder why he would risk life and limb to break up a brawl with such huge men?
Is this what people want to read while separated from loved ones, risking life and limb for their country?
"Thousands of people risk life and limb every day to come to America because they know this is the land of the free."
You risk life and limb if you try that in Texas.
Yet it was he who would be risking life and limb in no more than a few minutes.
He might be the sexiest thing out there, but she wasn't going to continue to risk life and limb to experience him.
Not much to risk one's life and limb for.
The service is free, even though we risk life, limb, and liberty to provide it.
No doubt you've risked life and limb several times to help your brother.