Harvath had to hand the old man another large banknote to convince him to risk passing the other vehicles.
In addition to their colleagues, workers who choose to go to work sick may risk passing the illness to customers.
The moredhel are making for the Northlands and won't risk passing near Elvandar.
That would be all the bills he was going to risk passing in person, if he could find a wholesale outlet.
With these words uttered in late 1849 Alfred Escher expressed his concern that modernity risked passing Switzerland by.
How could she risk passing him by?
Any one in the room who risked passing through that door, was a potential suicide.
It is the Greenland whale you have hunted up to this time, and that would not risk passing through the warm waters of the equator.
The government is running the Oil Fund, designed to maintain stable oil prices, at a deficit rather than risk passing on price increases to consumers.
"He never thought enough of me to risk passing any bum checks so I could have things," she complained.