He wasn't sure whether it would work, but he couldn't risk pushing the van too far on the crumbling tire.
In fact, such an amendment would threaten precisely the long-term investments society needs most and risk pushing a soft economy into icy recession.
She risked pushing herself to her knees and nothing happened.
The next day, the wind was still blowing but it was a tailwind and would not risk pushing Seth sideways.
In rushing to secure their positions, though, creditors risk pushing Kmart into exactly the position they want to avoid.
And I wanted you too much to risk pushing you back into that shell of yours.
Harry momentarily debated whether he should risk pushing the point about not getting the first call.
Confident that I have not broken any laws, I risk pushing the issue slightly.
We can get stronger, if the underground is really ready, and we can't risk pushing this aside.
I don't think the Fed wants to risk pushing the inflation rate lower by raising rates at this stage.