At dawn or dusk the risk ratio for black cars jumped to 47% more likely than white, and that for silver cars to 15%.
But if you change your risk ratio by just 10 percent, your losses can easily go up 50 percent.
We thought that a risk ratio of at least this size would be required for age to drive clinical decision-making.
Relative risks are also called risk ratios.
A meta-analysis of 33 epidemiologic studies provides more detailed information regarding risk ratios related to family history of prostate cancer.
A screen can give only adjusted risk ratios.
The authors were surprised to find no difference in prevalence between males and females, because their incidence review had found a male/female risk ratio of 1.4.
It is important to note both the number of times an associated factor is coded and its relative risk ratio.
The unadjusted risk ratios of risk factors are given in Table 1.
Young people are much less likely than middle-aged people (risk ratio 0.1, or 10%) to suffer a subarachnoid hemorrhage.