And a few are risking ridicule by going public.
Instead, Johnson plunges off the deep end, risking ridicule by shaping this spellbinder with grit and gravitas.
Ralph Lauren presented skirts that made it possible to use the words slinky and tweed in the same sentence without risking ridicule.
You'll risk ridicule for being obsessed with building, but you won't admit you need a larger purpose, too.
Few politicians in America might risk ridicule or rejection by explicitly supporting higher taxes on gasoline, one of the surest ways to limit the nation's dependence on oil.
Sound-proofed and travelling at speed, we can enjoy every moment of it, without risking offence or ridicule.
When Zekie disappears, Cole prowls the streets and shelters, risking ridicule and robbery in search of him.
It was Goggles Landau-always sensitive to any suggestion that he might not see as well as anyone- who risked ridicule.
If he wore the red, black and white jersey, he risked ridicule or worse.
Open behaviour (risking ridicule and loss of status)