By 1895, Lloyd's risqué songs were receiving frequent criticism from theatre reviewers and influential feminists.
Her music hall performances in black hose and garters included crowd-pleasing risqué songs, which were uninhibited, yet inoffensive.
While there, Penniman performed a risqué song he had improvised from his days on the club circuit called "Tutti Frutti".
This included the so-called risque songs that were a staple of her nightclub acts or the songs she sang in "Hello, Dolly!"
She was soon known for her risqué songs, flirtatious nature and willingness to show her legs on stage.
A risque song for the time, the lyrics mention her "callipygian cleft" by name.
One of Gall's biggest hits, it was an unusually risqué song for its time, but in performing it she was unaware of the fact.
The somewhat risque song mixes English and Italian verses.
He is particularly remembered for his risqué but cheerfully optimistic songs.
The early, risque songs were well ahead of their time.