Danda Jatra are ritualistic performances held during the month of Chaitra for a period of 2 to 3 weeks.
Danda Nacha - Danda Nacha(Jatra) are ritualistic performances held during the month of Chaitra for a period of 14days.
They have also made a series of ritualistic performances and have extensively exhibited art films and video throughout Europe and South America.
He is well known for long (5-48 hours) ritualistic performances with audience participation, nudity, and eroticism.
Another ritualistic performance done by Nangyarammas inside the temple is Nangiǎr Kūthu, which is an allied art of Kutiyattam.
Beuys produced many such spectacular, ritualistic performances, and he developed a compelling persona whereby he took on a liminal, shamanistic role, as if to enable passage between different physical and spiritual states.
In his long career, Mr. Appelt has produced paintings, sculptures, engravings and drawings as well as photographs, and many of his best-known works are based on his own ritualistic performances.
Narada then requested the sage Villumangalam to capture the martial vigour of the mock fight in a ritualistic performance for Krishna.
Precedents include Thomas Ruff's large portrait photographs, Vito Acconci's performance videos, Anne Hamilton's ritualistic performances and much else.
Bakhtin believed that these kinds of categories are creative theatrical expressions of manifested life experiences in the form of sensual ritualistic performances.