He heads an interim military Cabinet; there is a rival Muslim administration under Selim al-Hoss.
Islamic Courts Union (ICU), a rival administration to the Transitional Federal Government.
The ministries of the rival administrations would be combined, he said.
One shell fell at the doorstep of Selim al-Hoss, Prime Minister in the rival Muslim administration, but did not explode.
Kunar Province is now entirely in rebel hands, and Asadabad is the seat of the two rival administrations.
Muslims rejected the appointment, saying it violated the traditional Lebanese system of power-sharing, and supported a rival administration.
The two rival administrations competed side by side.
This rival administration, in turn, certified that Tilden had won.
As the resurgent military reappeared at the gates of Benghazi - now the rebel headquarters and seat of a rival administration - a massacre loomed.
Within months of independence, the place boasted at least four rival administrations.