The conflict occurred against the backdrop of the Pretoria government becoming increasingly ineffective at dealing with growing claims on South African land from rival interests within the country.
Upon his return, he found the elderly emperor in poor health, and "attended to by competing doctors who reflected the rival interests of their legations."
Though firmly a Democrat, Haskell found the middle ground and usually brought the belligerent partisan forces and rival interests into friendly agreement.
Sometimes, gambling would lead to dispute and two matches ended up in court when rival interests sought legal rulings on the terms of their wagers.
Nothing was wanted but the spark, or rather the shock of rival interests to produce the spark.
The complexities, economic stakes and rival interests at play in the talks are such that few would express surprise if they failed to produce a meaningful agreement.
The King thus arbitrated between the rival interests of editors and creators, giving his preference to the former.
The power that Mr. Ravitch seeks is dispersed among many rival interests and jealously guarded by them.
It could be pointed out that this was a case of a rumor deliberately leaked to you by some rival interest among your own troops.
Balancing the rival interests of floor traders and investment houses, he convinced the exchange to invest hundreds of millions on computer technlogy.