Salvatore is eventually taken to trial, an event which his rivals plan to use as an opportunity to be rid of him.
SoBe's rival, Snapple Beverages, is planning to go public later this year in an offering estimated at $115 million.
Interep's rival, Katz Media Group, plans to begin its on-line effort in January.
Warnock had a difficult summer and could only really start doing some deals in the last few days of August whilst rivals had been planning since May.
The two rivals plan to go into the bed-and-breakfast business together after retiring.
It is too soon to tell which routes will be affected, and that limits the moves that rivals can plan.
Clearly, neither Dr. Dean nor his rivals plan on going gentle back into the woodwork.
Frito-Lay recently slimmed its product line; now its main rival, Borden, is planning to do the same.
As JetBlue and its rivals plan to expand, so does Southwest.
The carrier's rival, American Airlines, a unit of the AMR Corporation, plans to start service to Stansted next year.