But as Chemical pushes to make its leadership permanent, its rivals will not exactly play dead.
And her rivals play rough when they think she is grabbing too much business.
The two rivals, in their 104th game, were playing for the Ivy crown for the first time since 1975.
And after those two increasingly fierce rivals play each other 19 times, who knows what the Braves' lead could be?
In the plan under discussion, the rivals would play each other 14 or more times a season.
The two rivals have played each other more than 100 times since the inaugural meeting in 1898.
In 2013 the rivals played for the state baseball championship.
Under the current format, divisional rivals play each other seven or eight times each season.
He also knows the type of no-holds-barred game these rivals usually play.
This would be as good a place as any for him to start, right at the tournament where his former rival is playing host.