The book has had such impact that even rival publishers praise it.
"There are strong suspicions that a pair of rival publishers are at work," it said, avoiding mention of names.
The Hungarian newspaper community is so small, rival publishers sometimes show up at the same events.
People at the company said that the rival publishers in charge of various divisions were reluctant to take advice from Ms. Grann.
The success of the magazine also led other rival publishers to launch sports magazines, though they tend to be less successful.
Most rival publishers agree, sayingthat Pocket Books has made a good bet that in his case, lightning will strike twice.
I am not the only one searching for these papers, there is a rival publisher.
Now that he is after an American book publisher, authors, agents and rival publishers have wondered why.
Bailey, in company with rival publishers, believes there is a need for a renewed round of geographical consolidation.
But as they looked through their files, several rival publishers found something very interesting: previous Pope books, some they'd published themselves.