A town neighboring to Almaty, its river and the highest peak of Zailiisky Alatau also bear this name.
Several rivers bear the name King Salmon River in Alaska.
The river bears no empty bottles, sandwich papers, Silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends Or other testimony of summer nights.
It amuses me that a river now bears the Idaho name where once it was a mountain.
Numerous larger and smaller tributary rivers bear the name of the Rhine or equivalent in various Romansh idioms like Rein or Ragn.
The river, the parkway and several public schools now bear Mrs. Hutchinson's name.
A river runs by it - not more than two hundred yards from this room; that river has often borne the King in his royal barge upon its waters.
However, the Trent being the "longer" river at that point is considered the more senior and so the combined river bears its name.
It is unlikely that any river improved in the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries bears much relationship to its earlier regime.
In the area of Buyeo County, the river bears the name Baengma-gang, which means White Horse River.